The Truth about Classic Cars II. This video goes deeper into showing how our business works and why it works well. Giving you the knowledge about what to look for in what could be your next dream car. We care about our customers and we want to help you buy the right car. Whether that be at American Dream Machines or somewhere else, be specific, ask the right questions, and make sure you are going to get what you are paying for. We’ve bought alot of classic cars here, and had to fix alot of problems. Classic cars can be your biggest money pit, or your best investment. The three year warranty with roadside assistance went out the window a long time ago with these cars. These cars do have older parts and they are going to break down. Its just part of owning an older car, and thats the reality. There are a great deal of questions you should be asking before you buy a car. People always ask us if our cars are as good as they look on the internet. Yes and no, these 1967 Corvettes are some of the best I’ve ever seen. They’re amazing, but not perfect. Every 50 year old car is going to have 50 year old parts and that’s what makes them valuable in the first place. We have some amazing cars here at American Dream Machines, if you’re a perfectionist though, it is very important that you come and inspect the car in person. There are imperfections with every 40, 50, 60 year old car. Old cars are awesome, I love old cars. But old cars are going to drive like an old car. People ask us if our cars are restored, some of our cars are restored to an extensive level and some are more driver quality. Be specific in asking what kind of restoration has been done to the car. People ask us if our cars are rust free, we have some of the most beautiful cars, but none of them are really considered “rust free”. There are better questions to ask in regards to rust, similar to “are there rust issues with the car, have any panels been replaced?”. One thing you really need to know about old cars, is sometimes old cars act there age. They will leave you on the side of the road, they will definitely mark there territory in your driveway. But at the end of the day, nothing has held its value like muscle cars and classic cars.

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